Case studies

Amethis promotes value-sharing with portfolio companies employees

29 October 2023 • Case studies
  • 1 Company ESOP (“Plan d’Epargne Entreprise”) created
  • 1 value-sharing contract created
  • 13 employees have agreed to enter the value-sharing contract

Amethis is convinced that setting up value-sharing mechanisms can help strengthen the social consensus within companies, by enabling a wider number of beneficiaries to benefit from the value created through private equity. The introduction of value-sharing mechanisms offers a number of significant advantages, including:

  • Alignment of interests
  • Employee retention
  • Enhanced performance and productivity
  • Enhanced brand image with stakeholders
  • Reduced inequalities

In 2022, Amethis invested in Groupe Office Automation, a major French player in B2B IT equipment and software distribution. Within one and a half year, we designed and implemented an employee shareholding scheme: a company ESOP (“Plan d’Epargne Entreprise”) and a value-sharing contract (“contrat de partage”). 13 employees (out of 21 eligible people) have agreed to enter the value-sharing contract, and will benefit from a potential increase in the value of the company.